With the arrival of the newborn and the family's joy at his arrival, preparations begin for the Aqeeqah that will be performed for the sake of Allah in gratitude and thanks to Him for His many gifts. We have provided you with the possibility of holding the Aqeeqah in Africa so that our charitable work is doubled and we earn reward together in feeding the hungry and bringing them joy and happiness on the one hand and on the other hand reviving the Sunnah of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, in the Aqeeqah.
Aqeeqah and its legal ruling in Islam
Aqeeqah and its ruling in our Islamic religion, where the Aqeeqah is called a reference to the sacrifice that is slaughtered for the newborn, and its ruling is a confirmed Sunnah in which two sheep are slaughtered for the male newborn and one sheep for the female newborn.
The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: Every boy is mortgaged by his Aqeeqah, which is slaughtered on the seventh day, his head is shaved and he is named.
It is also from the Sunnah to eat from it, feed, give charity and distribute it to relatives, neighbors, the poor and the needy, and he can save some of it as well.
The Aqeeqah is an act of worship to Allah Almighty and thanks to Him, as well as protection from Satan. In the Aqeeqah, there is a request for safety and protection of the newborn from all harm. There is a great reward in performing the Aqeeqah in applying the Sunnah of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.
Conditions for slaughtering the Aqeeqah
There are conditions that everyone must know when choosing the Aqeeqah so that it is acceptable. These are the same conditions that apply to the sacrifice. It is not permissible to slaughter one that is one-eyed, lame, or mangy. It is not permissible to shear its wool, sell its skin, or sell its meat.
Also, the Aqeeqah is not limited to sheep only, but cows and other healthy livestock can also be chosen. Care must be taken to ensure that the Aqeeqah is of a suitable age for its slaughter to be acceptable. There is a specific age that the Aqeeqah must be at in order for it to be acceptable. We explain them to you as follows:
- Camels: five years.
- Cows: two years.
- Goats: one year.
- Sheep: six months.
It is not permissible for it to be younger than what was mentioned. All of the previous conditions mentioned should be taken into consideration and reviewed before you slaughter the Aqeeqah for your children so that you can choose the acceptable and appropriate Aqeeqah.
Charitable societies for Aqeeqah in Africa
There are charitable societies for Aqeeqah in Africa that encourage doing good, helping others, relieving the distress of others, and standing by the oppressed. This is one of the best acts of worship that can be offered to Allah Almighty. This is indicated by many hadiths and numerous Quranic verses, all of which encourage doing good and continuing in righteous deeds that please Allah Almighty.
Allah Almighty said: (O you who believe, bow and prostrate and worship your Lord and do good that you may succeed).
The Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: The best of people are those who are most beneficial to people.
In order to be keen on doing good, there are many charitable societies that perform various charitable deeds, including those that perform Aqeeqah, confirming and applying the Sunnah of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace. Ensany Global is one of them, as we have paid significant attention to various charitable deeds, including Aqeeqah, and we have provided everyone with the opportunity to perform Aqeeqah in Africa and distribute it to the poor and needy.
The price of Aqeeqah in Africa
We facilitate the performance of the Aqeeqah for your children in Africa and guarantee that you will buy the Aqeeqah in an organized manner and at a reasonable and moderate price, whereby you will earn the reward for feeding the poor, the needy, and those who need it, so you will receive the reward for reviving the Sunnah of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, in addition to feeding thousands of hungry people in Africa.
We always try to find the best, so we strive to secure an Aqeeqah that is suitable for you at a price that takes into account your circumstances and conditions, as the price of the Aqeeqah in Africa is about $120.
We buy it according to your request and provide you with full details from purchasing the Aqeeqah until it is slaughtered and distributed to those who deserve it from the poor and needy, where it is all documented with pictures and videos that we send to you so that you are fully informed about your children's Aqeeqah.
Frequently Asked Questions
1- Is it permissible to slaughter the Aqeeqah in another country?
There is no doubt that it is better to hold the Aqeeqah in your home among your family and relatives and share with them the atmosphere of joy for the new baby and distribute it among them and your neighbors and acquaintances, but if the father wants to hold the Aqeeqah for his son in another country and there is someone who guarantees that in a correct manner that complies with Islamic law, then there is no harm in that.
2- Is it permissible to delay the Aqeeqah?
The Aqeeqah is slaughtered for the newborn on the seventh day after birth, but if he is unable to do so at this time, then he may slaughter it on the fourteenth day, and if he is unable to do so also, then on the twenty-first day, as it was reported from Buraydah that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said: The Aqeeqah is slaughtered on the seventh, fourteenth, or twenty-first.
If he delays it due to difficult circumstances or the occurrence of calamities, then it is permissible for him to delay it and it is not missed by missing its time.
3- What is the ruling on someone who did not slaughter the Aqeeqah?
As we mentioned earlier, the Aqeeqah is slaughtered on the seventh day for two males and one for a female. If one of them is unable to slaughter an Aqeeqah for his son, then there is no sin on him. If he slaughters after his son grows up, then that is better than leaving it altogether.
4- Is it permissible to give money instead of the Aqeeqah?
It is not permissible to give money instead of the Aqeeqah because the slaughter itself is required by Sharia, and the Aqeeqah is a confirmed Sunnah in the Islamic religion and one of its rituals that it is recommended to show.
It brings joy to everyone, thanks to Allah Almighty, and protects the newborn from harm.
Now, with Ensany Global you can perform the Aqeeqah of your children in Africa in an easy and convenient way, as we will buy the Aqeeqah and slaughter it in a correct way that is in accordance with Islamic Sharia. We also guarantee to distribute it to the poor and needy in Africa, which is known for its ongoing crises of hunger and poverty, bringing them joy and happiness and making them feel that we are with them and by their side. Thus, you will have shared your joy with families in dire need of it and will receive a great reward from Allah Almighty.
We ask God Almighty to always cooperate in righteousness and piety and to attain a great reward in feeding the hungry and the poor.